May 17, 2011

5/17 - Bomber

I was doing filming for "Tokyo Disney Resort My Map"
Unfortunately it started to rain, but was still loads of fun!

If I undo my pony tail


5/17 - New Figures

From am Ameba member

It's unbearable how much I like these figures
I can't believe it was only released just on May 14th
So happy!
I immediately took it out of the box

[goes on and on about the different parts of the figurines lol]

Thank you!

May 16, 2011

5/17 - Sleepy Sleepy Sleeeeeepy

Make-up is done
From here I am going to a location shoot<3

I'm feeling a little chilled

Here I go~~~<3

5/16 - Here it is

If I'm going to be honest

With 2nd gen member Kei-chan
It seems I am always inadvertently her neighbor while doing makeup (LOL)
We get a lot of time to act up with one another

And then yesterday my kouhai (juniors) Smileage and Satoda Mai-chan came to see us

It blurred!

Mai-chan was crying from the first number
She was somehow really happy
Genuine Mai-chan
As always, thank you 

5/16 - Group of Strange Faces

I took pictures in the dressing room

I'm in the center

If I take a picture of the three of us with Yuu-chan and Mako-chan,
this person gets jealous

Nacchi <3
From a look of "I want to join", I took this picture (LOL)
Cute gal
(^ W ^)
But then there is Rika-chan's Sexy Shot

Rika's live costume is very sexy
for those who are wanting to see it in Hiroshima and Gunma
(^ W ^)

When it's with the members, I just can't keep a straight face (LOL)
I'm festive

5/15 - Hya hya hya

Dream Musume live
in Yokosuka!!

It was lots and lots of fun!!
For all the people who came out to see us
Thank you so much

Today in the dressing room, I took a lot of pictures, so I will upload them tomorrow <3
At the end of the day, I just want to collapse at home from tiredness <3

May 13, 2011

5/13 - From the Translator

I apologize for the severe lack of blog updates. It has been the end of the semester, and with that came studying for finals, going out of town to see family, hanging with friends who would be leaving to go home after graduating... and I met somebody XD.

Now that my semester is over, I should be able to get back to doing regular translations after this weekend (my birthday as well as a couple of close friends graduating). I will start translating from recent posts, not going back to April's.

Thanks to everyone who has been patient with me <3

May 1, 2011

4/25 - Smile's Black Vinegar


I got it from an Ameba
"Smile's Black Vinegar"
Includes essential amino acids, with 20 differing varieties,
it seems to be very beneficial for the body.
It's perfect for when I am tired after a Dorimusu concert!
Thank you!

4/25 - Lesson x 2

Today as well, I have dance lessons starting in the morning pyon
Somehow, these days
I've got that old feeling coming back
But it is a healthy kind of sweat so
I will work hard!

4/24 - Luffy and Gachapin

I found a good Luffy at the station

More and more I was concerned with that
but then right next to the gachapin was Agu

Too darn cute!
It's gotten me quite excited

4/24 - Park

Because the weather is nice,
I went to the park and ate some Moss Burger
At the park

It was so nice~~

And at a pond

A turtle
I wonder if it knew I was taking a picture?

There were a lot of families at the park on Sunday
It was great

I really felt healed
Thanks for that!

4/24 - Cuckoo

I slept well

The day before I hadn't been able to sleep well due to tension and such, but today I didn't have that anxiety.
This morning I feel good!

Today I am kickin' it back at home.

4/23 - The Best

We successfully completed out first Live in Nagoya!
It was so SO fun!
I had the best time ever!

I was feeling so excited even though it felt like I was showering in sweat.
To everybody who attended
Thank you so much
m(_ _)m

I was really happy we were able to sign and dance together with the various people at the venue
But our spring tour has only just begun!
I'm thinking I want to instill a fighting spirit into the Japanese nation.

I'll give it my all!!